Zerah Fleming, a 31-year-old psychic medium from Plymouth, Devon, claims that her nights out are often disrupted by spirits urging her to finish her drinks quickly and move on to another bar. Fleming says that these supernatural nudges compel her to deliver messages from the dead to people she encounters during her bar-hopping adventures.
Fleming’s journey into the world of psychic abilities began about five years ago, shortly after the passing of her father. She recalls the first time she heard a voice from beyond: it was her father instructing her to lock the door to prevent an intruder from entering her home. Since then, Fleming has honed her abilities and often finds herself overwhelmed by the persistent demands of spirits, especially when she’s trying to enjoy a night out with friends.

During these outings, she frequently feels compelled to change locations, driven by the spirits’ insistence to meet someone at the next bar. She usually tells her friends that she simply changed her mind about staying at a particular place. Fleming shared that while these encounters can be overwhelming, they are not typically scary. Instead, they often lead to meaningful interactions, though sometimes they do unsettle the people she approaches.
Fleming also spoke about how her psychic gifts are a family trait, noting that both her parents had similar abilities. She describes feeling privileged to possess these talents, as they allow her to help others by passing along messages from their loved ones who have passed away. Despite the challenges, she finds joy and purpose in her work, which began through word-of-mouth recommendations from friends she has read for.
Reflecting on her experiences, Fleming expressed that most people in her life have been supportive of her abilities. She encourages others to keep an open mind about the supernatural, suggesting that everyone should try it at least once before dismissing it. So, if you find yourself approached by Fleming at a bar with a message from a late relative, it’s likely the result of another spiritual encounter urging her to move quickly to her next destination.