Relationship Expert Explains Biggest Reason Women Stop Having Sex With Their Husbands

Relationship Expert Explains Biggest Reason Women Stop Having Sex With Their Husbands

In the labyrinth of love and marriage, Dr. Sarah Hensley, a relationship expert from The Dating Decoder, sheds light on a conundrum that’s puzzled many: why do some married women lose interest in the bedroom antics with their husbands? Contrary to the myth that married life equals a snooze fest in the sack, many couples maintain a vibrant sex life. However, for those encountering a drought, Dr. Hensley identifies a lack of emotional safety as the root cause.

The expert explains that when a woman’s attachment needs aren’t met within the relationship, she might feel emotionally vulnerable, leading to a decrease in physical attraction to her partner. In essence, if a woman feels emotionally adrift, her libido might set sail in the opposite direction. It’s not just about the candles and roses but the deeper connection and understanding between partners that fuels desire.

So, how can couples keep the flame burning? According to Dr. Hensley, the secret sauce is understanding your partner’s attachment style. Whether your significant other craves constant reassurance, needs their feelings acknowledged, or yearns for autonomy, catering to these needs fosters emotional safety, which, in turn, can lead to a more fulfilling sex life.


First, seggs is a code word you can hopefully figure out because I’m not about to get kicked off. Secondly, there ARE other reasons like feeling like their husband doesn’t help them with the workload, or affairs, etc. BUT this is THE biggest reason by far. Calm down and breathe, I know it may be hard to hear and you’ll get triggered. But I am here to help you start getting your needs met. Don’t shoot the messanger. I am direct and I make no apologies for my assertiveness. I’m a coach not a therapist. #love #relationships #intimacy #marriage #attachmentstyle #fyp #foryoupage

? original sound – Dr. Sarah Hensley

Dr. Hensley categorizes attachment styles into three main types: anxious-preoccupied individuals need heaps of love affirmations, fearful-avoidant partners seek emotional space to feel understood, and dismissive-avoidant folks desire independence and tranquility in the relationship. Recognizing and responding to these needs can be the key to reigniting passion.

Other experts chime in with additional advice, emphasizing the importance of novelty and making consistent emotional investments in each other to prevent the relationship from hitting a stalemate. Keeping things fresh and being attentive to your partner’s emotional needs can steer the relationship clear of becoming just another statistic in the annals of love gone lukewarm.

In the grand scheme of things, while the chemistry that ignites in the early days of romance might evolve, understanding and nurturing the emotional bond can keep the embers of passion alive. So, if you find your love life floating in the doldrums, perhaps it’s time to delve deeper into the emotional currents and navigate towards a more connected and satisfying union.