See What Would Happen If ‘God Of Chaos’ Asteroid Hit Earth

See What Would Happen If ‘God Of Chaos’ Asteroid Hit Earth

A new simulation has revealed the terrifying potential outcome if the “God of Chaos” asteroid, also known as Apophis, were to collide with Earth. Apophis, a 340-meter-wide asteroid, is set to pass extremely close to Earth on April 13, 2029, coming within 20,000 miles of the planet’s surface. Although it’s not expected to hit, researchers have warned that a small collision with another object in space could alter its course, though the chances are extremely low.

The simulation shows that if Apophis were to strike Earth, it would release energy equivalent to 1,000 megatons of TNT, causing mass devastation but not wiping out humanity. Billions of lives could be lost, along with severe climate disruptions. Experts caution that global cooperation would be required to manage such a disaster, potentially leading to millions becoming “space refugees.”

NASA has confirmed that Apophis’ upcoming close pass in 2029 will not result in an impact but highlighted how rare it is for an asteroid of this size to come so close—only once every 7,500 years. If visible to the naked eye, it will be an extraordinary sight, especially for those in the Eastern Hemisphere.