Selena Gomez’s 2 Word Response To Haters After She Revealed She Can’t Have Kids

Selena Gomez’s 2 Word Response To Haters After She Revealed She Can’t Have Kids

Selena Gomez recently addressed her inability to carry children due to health issues, and had a blunt response to those who criticize her openness. Speaking at a Women in Film event, Gomez emphasized the importance of vulnerability and being true to oneself. She mentioned her bipolar diagnosis and the fact that she can’t carry a child, and dismissed the critics with a simple, “f**k off.”

The singer and actress had previously revealed to Vanity Fair that carrying a pregnancy to term would endanger both her life and the baby’s, which was a reality she had to grieve. Despite this, Gomez remains optimistic about becoming a mother through surrogacy or adoption, which she sees as blessings.


Gomez’s candidness about her health struggles and her choice to share her personal journey have been met with support from fans. She reiterated that being vulnerable and seeking help are not signs of weakness, but of strength and resilience.

Ultimately, Gomez is excited about the future and the possibility of having a family, saying that no matter the method, “It’ll be my baby.” Her response to critics highlights her commitment to authenticity and self-acceptance.