Josh Ryan Evans, who played the young Grinch in the 2000 Christmas classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas, tragically passed away just two years after the film’s release. Evans, who was 3’2” tall due to achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism, also suffered from heart complications that required multiple surgeries throughout his life. He passed away at age 20 in 2002 from complications during a medical procedure related to his heart condition.
Evans’ performance as the young Grinch left a significant impact on the film. Initially planned as a small role, it was expanded after director Ron Howard recognized Evans’ talent and emotional depth, which added heart to the story. Evans spent over five hours in makeup each day for his scenes but embraced the challenge, earning admiration from the cast and crew.
Aside from The Grinch, Evans was celebrated for his role as Timmy Lenox in the soap opera Passions. On the day of his passing, an episode aired in which his character also died—a poignant coincidence that marked the end of his showbiz career. The episode was later dedicated to his memory, reflecting his profound impact on colleagues and fans alike.
Evans’ legacy lives on through his memorable performances and the inspiration he brought to many. His life, though brief, showcased immense talent and resilience, leaving an enduring mark on Hollywood and audiences worldwide.