Stephen Hawking’s Simple Answer When Asked If He Believed In God

Stephen Hawking’s Simple Answer When Asked If He Believed In God

Stephen Hawking, one of the most renowned scientists of our time, had clear and straightforward views on God and the afterlife, which he shared in his final book, Brief Answers to the Big Questions. Hawking, who passed away at 76 in 2018, had been living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) since his diagnosis at age 21, defying medical expectations by becoming the longest-living ALS survivor.

Using advanced technology that allowed him to communicate through cheek movements, Hawking expressed his belief that everything can be explained through the laws of nature rather than a divine being. In his book, he reflected on how historically, disabilities were often seen as curses from God but emphasized his belief in scientific explanations. He wrote, “If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed.”

Hawking’s thoughts on the afterlife were equally clear. He stated, “We are each free to believe what we want and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate.” He added that this led him to believe there is likely no heaven or afterlife, emphasizing the importance of appreciating the universe during our one life.

Hawking also warned about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, suggesting that fully developed AI could potentially end the human race by redesigning itself at an ever-increasing rate. This perspective highlighted his concern for humanity’s future in the face of rapid technological advancements.

Overall, Hawking’s final reflections combined his deep appreciation for the natural world with a cautionary note about the future, urging people to find meaning and purpose within the framework of scientific understanding.