
Science Can Now Prove Dogs Can Sense When Someone is ‘Bad’

Science Can Now Prove Dogs Can Sense When Someone is ‘Bad’

It seems that our canine companions might be tuning into more than just our emotions and the sound of kibble hitting their bowl—they might also be tuning into our honesty. A study by Akiko Takaoka of Kyoto University has unveiled that dogs are adept at judging whether a human is trustworthy or not, adding a

Science Can Now Prove Dogs Can Sense When Someone is ‘Bad’ Read More »

Dog Owners Are Being Warned Not to Give Their Dog Certain Food

Dog Owners Are Being Warned Not to Give Their Dog Certain Food

Pet owners, it’s time to rethink those snack-sharing habits with your furry friends! As much as we love to treat our dogs like part of the family, especially when they flash those irresistible puppy eyes, some common human snacks can be harmful to their health. Veterinarian Dr. Barbara Royal has raised the alarm on a

Dog Owners Are Being Warned Not to Give Their Dog Certain Food Read More »