A teacher named Brenda Capone Kingston, known as @Ms3rdGrade on TikTok, recently expressed her surprise at the number of children starting kindergarten still wearing diapers. In a now-deleted video, Kingston shared that this issue has been a common topic of conversation among educators. She emphasized that her concerns weren’t about children with special needs, but rather the general trend of five- and six-year-olds who are not yet potty trained. Kingston, who works in Arkansas, noted that unlike Utah, her state does not require children to be potty trained before starting school.

Kingston mentioned her own experience raising children, recalling that potty training was a prerequisite for kindergarten enrollment when her kids were younger. She expressed bewilderment over why this is no longer a standard practice. Despite receiving some negative feedback online, Kingston posted a follow-up video thanking her supporters and clarifying her intentions. She stressed that her initial video was meant to spark discussion, not to offend.
The video has since been taken down, but not before it sparked a debate about parenting practices and school requirements. Kingston’s observations point to a potential shift in expectations for young children and highlight a lack of consistency in potty training regulations across different states.