Timothy Treadwell, known as the “Grizzly Man,” tragically captured his final moments on audio as he and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, were fatally attacked by a bear in Alaska’s Katmai National Park in 2003. Treadwell, a passionate environmentalist who spent years living among grizzly bears, believed he had gained their trust. However, just hours before the couple was due to leave via seaplane, they were attacked by a bear outside their tent.
The six-minute recording begins with Treadwell screaming for help as the bear attacks. Amie can be heard urging him to “play dead,” but when the bear continues its assault, she grabs a frying pan in a desperate attempt to save him. Despite her efforts, both were fatally mauled. The tape ends amidst their terrified screams, marking their harrowing last moments.
Their air taxi pilot, Willy Fulton, arrived the next day to find an eerie scene. A bear, described as “mean-looking,” stood atop a pile of human remains, with evidence of the attack strewn across the area. Authorities later found portions of their remains and documented the tragedy in the 2005 documentary Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog.
Treadwell’s devotion to bears and his belief in their peaceful coexistence has sparked ongoing debate. His story is remembered as both a cautionary tale about respecting wildlife boundaries and a tragic testament to his dedication to the natural world.