There’s A ‘Two Week Rule’ That Keeps Robert Downey Jr.’s 18-Year Marriage Succesful, According To His Wife

There’s A ‘Two Week Rule’ That Keeps Robert Downey Jr.’s 18-Year Marriage Succesful, According To His Wife

Robert Downey Jr., fresh from his Oscar win for Best Supporting Actor in “Oppenheimer,” and his wife Susan have been the talk of the town not just for his award but for the secret sauce to their 18-year strong marriage. Turns out, it’s not grand gestures or flashy presents keeping this power couple together but a simple yet effective “two-week rule.”

Now, you might be wondering, what’s this two-week rule? Is it about not leaving the toilet seat up for two weeks straight? Or perhaps not hogging the TV remote? Nope, it’s far simpler and, dare we say, sweeter. Robert and Susan have vowed never to spend more than two weeks apart, no matter what. It’s like a scheduled rendezvous that keeps the flame alive and burning, ensuring they’re never too far away from a cuddle or a chat about their day.

In a chat with PEOPLE, Susan delved into the nitty-gritty of this rule, stating that while they aim to be a “traveling circus” when possible, life’s unpredictable nature sometimes throws a wrench in their plans. After all, when you’re dealing with global pandemics, unexpected shutdowns, or the odd cold, sticking rigidly to any plan can be a tad challenging.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Susan pointed out that being a producer allows her a tad more flexibility than her superstar hubby, enabling her to juggle her professional commitments and family time a bit more deftly. And let’s not forget, Robert, with his newfound neurosis “attachment” strategy, finds solace in knowing he has a solid plan to cling to amidst the chaos.

While the concept might seem straightforward, it’s a testament to their commitment to keeping their relationship fresh, vibrant, and, most importantly, together. It’s like having a standing date night, but with more air miles. So, if you’re looking for a little marital advice from Hollywood’s beloved couple, perhaps give the two-week rule a whirl. Who knows? It might just be the trick you need to keep the love boat smoothly sailing.