Tourists Post Photo Inside One Of The Most Radioactive Items In The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Tourists Post Photo Inside One Of The Most Radioactive Items In The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

In a recent visit to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, two tourists sparked outrage and concern after posing for photos inside a large radioactive claw, one of the most contaminated remnants from the 1986 nuclear disaster. The claw, which was used to clear radioactive debris from the site, is significantly radioactive, measuring over 100 times the highest standard levels of background radiation. This claw is notoriously known for its high levels of radiation, posing serious health risks to those who come into close contact with it.

During a 2019 tour, archaeologist Rob Maxwell recorded the radiation from the claw at 39.80 microsieverts per hour using a Geiger counter. Although brief exposure to the claw might not cause immediate harm, prolonged contact or interaction with radioactive debris can significantly increase the risk of health issues, including cancer. The tourists’ decision to not only approach but also climb into the claw has been described as highly dangerous and irresponsible.


The viral photos, shared on social media, show the tourists smiling and posing within the claw, seemingly oblivious to the potential risks. Despite the relatively short exposure time, experts warn that radioactive dust from the claw could easily transfer onto clothing, posing a longer-term hazard. This careless interaction has led to strong reactions online, with many condemning the act as reckless and underscoring the continued dangers posed by the remnants of the Chernobyl disaster.

The incident highlights the ongoing fascination and risks associated with visiting the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a place still filled with hazardous materials from the nuclear meltdown nearly 40 years ago. Even with controlled tours that aim to educate and memorialize the event, there remains a significant need for visitors to respect safety guidelines and understand the dangers of interacting with the site’s radioactive elements.

This story serves as a stark reminder of the importance of caution and respect when visiting sites with a history of severe contamination. The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, while a place of historical significance, is not a theme park and should be approached with the gravity it warrants. The tourists’ actions underscore the need for better education and enforcement of safety measures to protect both visitors and the sanctity of the site.