Woman Became Cop To Find Her Father’s Killer, 25 Years Later She Finally Got Him

Woman Became Cop To Find Her Father’s Killer, 25 Years Later She Finally Got Him
Polícia Civil de Roraima

Gislayne Silva de Deus, a 36-year-old police officer from Brazil, recently confronted the man who killed her father 25 years ago. When she was just nine, her father, Givaldo, was shot by Raimundo Gomes over a $66 debt in February 1999. Despite several arrest warrants, Gomes evaded capture for years, and the case went cold. However, Gislayne’s father’s tragic death inspired her to pursue a career in law enforcement, and she graduated from law school in 2014 before becoming a police officer in 2023.

Last month, Gislayne and her team finally tracked down Gomes, who was hiding on farmland in Boa Vista, Roraima. In a video capturing the moment, Gislayne delivered a chilling message to her father’s killer: “It’s because of me that you are here.” She then informed him that he would “now pay” for his crime, as Gomes was immediately sentenced to 12 years in prison, a sentence that had been issued in his absence.

Speaking to Brazilian media, Gislayne described the emotional relief she felt when she saw Gomes in handcuffs. She expressed how the long-awaited justice brought tears of relief, saying it felt like a day she thought would never come. Her story of perseverance and dedication to seeking justice for her father has resonated with many.

Gislayne hopes her experience will inspire other children who have lost parents to violence, reminding them that justice, while slow, is possible. Her determination to bring her father’s killer to justice stands as a powerful testament to the strength of family and the pursuit of closure.