Suzie Cheikho’s tale is a modern-day cautionary fable that could make even George Orwell do a double-take. Imagine, if you will, working from the comfort of your home, tapping away at your keyboard, blissfully unaware that Big Brother—or in this case, Big Employer—is monitoring every keystroke. Yes, Suzie found herself in the digital panopticon when her employer, Insurance Australia Group, decided to play the role of the omnipresent watcher, scrutinizing her every digital move with the help of keystroke technology.
After 18 loyal years at the company, Suzie was unceremoniously let go, not for pilfering office supplies or forwarding chain emails, but for allegedly not pressing her keyboard enough. The metrics were merciless: starting late 47 times, clocking out early on 29 occasions, and on four shocking days, not working at all, as per the digital overseer. With an average of just 54 keystrokes an hour, one might wonder if Suzie was crafting War and Peace using Morse code.
The fallout from this digital drama has left Suzie in a predicament that’s less Kafkaesque and more Black Mirror. Her story, now viral, has become a cautionary tale for the remote working world, a stark reminder that in the age of digital surveillance, one’s productivity is only as good as their last keystroke.
This saga raises eyebrows and questions alike. Is the measure of a worker’s worth truly found in the rhythm of their typing? Are we to be reduced to mere cogs in a machine that values velocity over veracity? And most pressingly, what does one do when they become the poster child for the perils of remote work surveillance?

Suzie’s predicament has sparked a debate far wider than her own employment woes. It’s a conversation about privacy, about the nature of work, and about how, in this brave new world of remote employment, one can find themselves out of a job not with a bang, but a whimper—a mere cessation of keystrokes.
As Suzie contemplates her next moves in a world that knows just how fast she types, one can’t help but reflect on the Orwellian undertones of her ordeal. In a time when our digital footprints can be our downfall, Suzie’s story serves as a stark reminder: in the world of remote work, one must tread lightly, for Big Employer is watching.