Woman Has ‘Full-Blown Addiction’ To Bee Stings For Pain Relief, Also ‘Great Sex’

Woman Has ‘Full-Blown Addiction’ To Bee Stings For Pain Relief, Also ‘Great Sex’

Margaret, a woman from Kentucky, has developed an unusual addiction to bee stings, which she uses for pain relief from arthritis. Initially, she discovered that bee venom alleviated her severe pain, but this relief soon turned into an addiction, with Margaret stinging herself up to 15 times a day. She explained that the bee stings not only eased her arthritis but also improved her sex life, making her feel better overall.


Margaret’s addiction was highlighted on the show My Strange Addiction, where she described how the stings became less painful over time and started to feel good. Despite the apparent benefits she experiences, her husband J.D. expressed concern about the frequency of the stings and the potential health risks involved. Medical professionals have warned that multiple bee stings can be dangerous, leading to toxic reactions, severe allergic responses, and even death.

Dr. Dain Wahl, who appeared on the show, cautioned Margaret about the risks, emphasizing that repeated stings could result in a sudden, fatal allergic reaction. Additionally, each sting results in the death of the bee, which Margaret acknowledges but tries to mitigate by choosing older bees. Despite the potential dangers, Margaret continues to use bee stings as her primary form of pain relief.

While Margaret’s case is unique, it underscores the need for safe and effective pain management methods. It’s essential for individuals with chronic pain to consult healthcare professionals and explore medically approved treatments to avoid potentially life-threatening practices.