In an amusing twist that only live television can provide, Lucy Carrington’s claim that her dog Storm, a Husky, adhered to a strict vegetarian diet was hilariously debunked on ITV’s “This Morning.” Despite Lucy’s best efforts to promote a meat-free lifestyle for Storm, when presented with the choice between a bowl of meat and one filled with veggies, the canine companion didn’t hesitate to dive into the carnivorous option, proving once and for all that his taste buds weren’t quite on board with the vegetarian plan.
Lucy had switched Storm’s diet to vegetarian during a particularly hot summer in 2018, believing that he had grown tired of his regular food. But as the live TV segment demonstrated, Storm’s preference leaned unmistakably towards meat, much to the amusement of viewers and the mild chagrin of his owner.

The incident sparked a broader conversation about whether dogs, who are natural omnivores, can thrive on a vegetarian diet. Veterinarian Scott Miller, also a guest on the show, pointed out that while dogs can survive on a plant-based diet, it’s not ideal due to their biological need for meat. The British Veterinary Association echoes this sentiment, advising against vegetarian or vegan diets for dogs unless absolutely necessary, as getting the balance of essential nutrients right is crucial for their health.
Storm’s unequivocal choice left social media buzzing with reactions, many finding humor in the Husky’s instinctive leap for the meaty option. Lucy, taking her dog’s clear preference in stride, admitted she would adapt his diet accordingly, acknowledging that Storm’s well-being comes first, even if it means revisiting his dietary plan.
This lighthearted episode serves as a reminder that, despite our best intentions, sometimes nature has its own way of asserting itself, especially when it comes to our furry friends’ culinary preferences.