Woman Suffers Rare Condition Where A Kiss On The Lips Could Kill Her

Woman Suffers Rare Condition Where A Kiss On The Lips Could Kill Her

Caroline Cray Quinn, a 25-year-old woman from Boston, suffers from a rare condition called mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), which makes her highly allergic to many common substances, including certain foods. MCAS causes her immune cells to react to harmless substances as if they are severe allergens, meaning even a kiss could be life-threatening for her. To protect herself, anyone wanting to kiss her must follow strict guidelines, including avoiding certain foods like peanuts, seafood, and mustard for 24 hours before, and brushing their teeth right before kissing.


Caroline’s condition affects her everyday life, especially her diet, as she can only consume oats and hypoallergenic formula to avoid life-threatening allergic reactions like breathing difficulties and loss of consciousness. Despite these challenges, Caroline sees her strict kissing rules as a way to filter out potential partners who don’t care about her well-being. She shared that it immediately “weeds out” those who aren’t willing to put in the effort, leaving only those genuinely interested in her.

Though she’s had a few minor reactions, including itching around her mouth and lips after kissing someone, Caroline has managed these incidents with emergency medication and preventive measures. Thankfully, her current boyfriend Ryan fully abides by her precautions, allowing her to continue dating without fear.

Caroline refuses to let her condition stop her from living her life fully, despite the risks. She even acknowledges the dangers in everyday activities like going to the beach, where she could encounter an allergic trigger, such as a dog licking her. Despite these risks, Caroline is determined not to let fear control her life, taking calculated precautions but still enjoying things like dating and spending time outdoors.