Zoo Being Slammed Because Visitors Realized The ‘Pandas’ Weren’t Pandas At All

Zoo Being Slammed Because Visitors Realized The ‘Pandas’ Weren’t Pandas At All
Asia Wire

A zoo in Guangyuan, China, is under fire after visitors discovered that the supposed pandas in an enclosure were actually dogs painted to resemble the iconic animals. The incident came to light when the animals began barking, revealing their true identity as Chow Chows rather than pandas. Visitors, who were promised rare and exotic animals, felt deceived and demanded refunds after realizing the zoo’s ruse.

Photos taken by a visitor showed the “pandas” lounging in the sun, panting with their tongues out. Despite their black and white fur resembling that of real pandas, the barking quickly gave away that these were merely canines with a makeover. The zoo, however, claimed they hadn’t misled visitors since they referred to the animals as “panda dogs” rather than actual pandas.

Asia Wire

This isn’t the first time a Chinese zoo has been accused of such antics. In the past, the Yuanjiashan Zoo in Xichang tried to pass off a Golden Retriever as a lion, while Hangzhou Zoo was accused of placing a man in a bear costume in an enclosure. The repeated occurrences have sparked widespread criticism and raised concerns about animal welfare and deceptive practices in zoos.

Despite the backlash, the Guangyuan zoo has not issued refunds and continues to defend its actions. The incident has drawn international attention, highlighting the lengths some establishments will go to attract visitors.