9-Year-Old Kept Getting In Trouble For Doodling, So A Restaurant Hired Him To Cover Their Walls

9-Year-Old Kept Getting In Trouble For Doodling, So A Restaurant Hired Him To Cover Their Walls
Greg Whale

Nine-year-old Joseph Whale, known as The Doodle Boy, has turned his passion for doodling into a professional opportunity. Despite getting in trouble at school for drawing on classroom whiteboards, Joseph’s artistic talent was nurtured by his parents, who enrolled him in an after-school drawing class. There, his skills flourished, leading his art teacher to share his work on Instagram.

LinkedIn/Greg Whale

His doodles caught the attention of the Number 4 restaurant in Shrewsbury, UK, which commissioned him to decorate an entire wall. Over several days, Joseph dedicated 12 hours to illustrating the wall with his bold and expressive doodles. His father, Greg, expressed immense pride in Joseph’s achievements, emphasizing the significance of an independent business recognizing his son’s talent.

Joseph’s frustration with the limited artistic opportunities in school was alleviated by this commission and his participation in an after-school program called Bloom, where he has his own wall to doodle freely. His favorite subjects to draw are little monsters and creatures, reflecting his unique style and creativity. Joseph’s work can now be seen on his dedicated website, showcasing his professional journey at such a young age.

Greg Whale

Joseph’s story serves as an inspiring example of how nurturing a child’s passion can lead to incredible opportunities. Greg encourages other parents to support their children’s interests and seek out local workshops or groups that align with their passions. As Joseph continues to develop his skills, his doodling career seems poised for even greater success, proving that with encouragement and the right opportunities, children’s talents can flourish in remarkable ways.