Kansas City Chiefs Fan who Hosted Watch Party where Three Friends Froze to Death Checks into Rehab

Kansas City Chiefs Fan who Hosted Watch Party where Three Friends Froze to Death Checks into Rehab

Jordan Willis, a 38-year-old Kansas City Chiefs fan, has entered rehab following the tragic deaths of three friends in his backyard, which he described as a significant turning point in confronting his addiction issues. A source close to Willis’ family informed Fox News Digital that the incident served as an “enormous wakeup call” for him.

“After the shocking loss of three of his close friends under extremely tragic circumstances, Jordan recognized that he had a problem with addiction,” the source revealed, noting Willis’ immediate action to seek help by checking into a rehabilitation facility after moving his belongings into storage.

The grim discovery of Ricky Johnson, 38, Clayton McGeeney, 36, and David Harrington, 37, occurred outside Willis’ rental home in Kansas City on January 9, following their last sighting at a Chiefs’ playoff game watch party against the Los Angeles Chargers on January 7.

Andrew Talge, Willis’ attorney, shared that the men were part of a small gathering that dispersed around 11 p.m. that night, with one attendee, Alex Waemer-Lee, leaving while the group watched “Jeopardy!” The bodies were found nearly two days later by McGeeney’s fiancée, who was alarmed by their absence.

At the scene, Willis, found in underwear and holding a wine glass, claimed he had been asleep for the duration and was unaware of his friends’ fate outside. The cause of death awaits toxicology reports, amidst speculation of alcohol or drug involvement, including potential exposure to substances like fentanyl.

Despite police not treating the deaths as foul play, some family members of the deceased suspect Willis’ involvement. “There were four of you in the house and now three of them are dead and you’re not. That doesn’t add up,” expressed David Harrington’s father, Jon, hinting at a possible sinister motive behind the incident.

Speculation has also arisen regarding Willis’ professional background as an HIV scientist, though sources close to the family have dismissed any “mad scientist agenda” theories as absurd.

The aftermath has left Willis “very depressed,” facing both public accusation and personal grief over the loss of his friends, as conveyed by a family source. His father, Rodney Willis, has staunchly defended him, asserting his son’s innocence and incapacity to harm his friends.

Following the discovery, Willis vacated his residence and sought refuge in a nearby rental, maintaining a low profile amid concerns of backlash, as explained by his legal representation.