Lip Reader Reveals what Taylor Swift said when NFL Cameras Panned to Her Again

Lip Reader Reveals what Taylor Swift said when NFL Cameras Panned to Her Again

Social media has been buzzing with speculations about what Taylor Swift said when she was captured on NFL cameras during a recent game.

In today’s era, it seems even attending a football game doesn’t guarantee privacy from being recorded, a reality that Taylor Swift, a global pop icon and girlfriend of Kansas City Chiefs’ star Travis Kelce, is all too familiar with. The focus on Swift and Kelce’s relationship has been a point of contention among NFL fans, with some feeling it overshadows the sport itself.

A user on X, previously known as Twitter, expressed frustration, saying, “The wall-to-wall coverage of Taylor Swift at this game is annoying AF. I don’t even like football and I agree it’s destroying football. Just enough.” Another user echoed this sentiment, commenting on the excessive attention Swift received at the game: “In case anyone didn’t hear, Taylor Swift was at the game. And NBC made it r-e-a-l-l-y annoying.”

During the AFC championship game on 28 January, where the Chiefs faced the Baltimore Ravens, cameras naturally found Swift in the crowd. A moment caught on camera showed Swift being informed by a companion that she was on the big screen, and her reaction did not seem pleased.

Social media users, some claiming to be adept at lip-reading, have offered their interpretations of Swift’s response. One user speculated, “Taylor Swift on-camera during a Grammys promo says, ‘Go away, please’.” Another suggested a similar sentiment, “Taylor Swift telling CBS to stop showing her: ‘Go away please. Tough spot for all those who are permanently triggered by Taylor and somehow believe she’s secretly plotting and clamoring for the NFL spotlight.'”

However, there were differing opinions. One user believed she said, “Nah actually she said, ‘Oh it’s the Grammys’.” Another concurred, “She says oh it’s the Grammys.” Yet another user interpreted, “She’s clearly reading the banner & closed captioning.. which is saying she’s going to break the record… She’s saying ‘Go Grammys’.”

Regardless of what Swift actually said, it was evident that she was less than thrilled to be the center of attention on the big screen. As one user aptly put it, “Just leave the woman alone and let her enjoy time with her Maan, like any other GF does!”