New Footage Shows Woman ‘Pretend to Give Water’ to Corpse She ‘Wheeled Into Bank’ to Sign Loan

New Footage Shows Woman ‘Pretend to Give Water’ to Corpse She ‘Wheeled Into Bank’ to Sign Loan
Credit: G1 Globo

In a bizarre incident that has captured the attention of both national and international media, Erika de Souza was arrested after allegedly trying to secure a loan with her deceased uncle at a bank in Brazil. The incident unfolded when de Souza wheeled the corpse of her 68-year-old uncle, Paulo Braga, into a bank, intending for him to appear alive to sign for a loan. This startling act was caught on CCTV footage, which later went viral and led to widespread shock and confusion.

The situation escalated when bank staff noticed Braga’s lack of responsiveness and called the police. Upon arrival, paramedics confirmed that Braga was indeed dead, having suffered from bronchoaspiration and heart failure. Investigations revealed that Braga had already passed away prior to being brought into the bank, dispelling any initial thoughts that he might have died during the visit.

In the aftermath of her arrest, new footage emerged showing de Souza attempting to interact with Braga, including offering him water, further suggesting an effort to make him appear alive. The police are investigating the full extent of de Souza’s understanding and intentions, particularly whether she was aware that Braga had died before bringing him to the bank.

De Souza’s son, Lucas Nunes, has since spoken out in defense of his mother, citing her history of psychiatric issues and asserting that she has been under considerable stress. He emphasized his mother’s character and dedication as a parent, suggesting that her actions, though drastic, were out of desperation and not malice.

The incident has sparked discussions about the pressures faced by individuals in financial distress and the lengths to which they may go to resolve their issues. It also raises significant questions about mental health and the support systems in place to help those in crisis. The ongoing investigation aims to uncover more about this tragic and unusual event, as authorities and the public seek to understand the motivations behind de Souza’s actions.