Officials Give Sad Update On Charlotte The Virgin Stingray Who Got Pregnant By Herself

Officials Give Sad Update On Charlotte The Virgin Stingray Who Got Pregnant By Herself

Officials have issued a “truly sad” update on Charlotte, the stingray that became famous for reportedly getting pregnant without a mate. Charlotte, residing at The Aquarium and Shark Lab run by Team ECCO in North Carolina, became a sensation after an ultrasound in September revealed she was pregnant with four pups. The mystery arose because there were no male stingrays in her tank, leading experts to believe she experienced parthenogenesis, a type of asexual reproduction where an embryo develops without sperm.

As months passed with no sign of the pups, fans grew increasingly concerned. Team ECCO finally provided an update, explaining the delay was due to the need for extensive data analysis and lab testing. Unfortunately, the results were not positive. The team revealed that Charlotte had developed a rare reproductive disease, severely affecting her reproductive system.


In their Instagram post, Team ECCO emphasized their commitment to Charlotte’s health and well-being. They plan to work closely with veterinarians and specialists to understand the disease and explore treatment options. While the specific disease was not disclosed, the team expressed hope that Charlotte’s case would contribute to scientific knowledge and benefit other rays in the future. They also thanked the public for their support and asked for respect and patience as they navigate this unexpected challenge.

Charlotte’s situation highlights the unpredictable nature of wildlife health and the ongoing efforts required to ensure the well-being of animals in captivity. The hope remains that through research and medical intervention, Charlotte can recover and continue to thrive.