One Weird Sign On Your Tongue Might Show That You ‘Shouldn’t Be Drinking Coffee’

One Weird Sign On Your Tongue Might Show That You ‘Shouldn’t Be Drinking Coffee’

For many, the day simply doesn’t start until they’ve had their morning coffee. However, recent advice from Dr. Anis Khalaf, a doctor popular on TikTok, suggests that your beloved cup of joe might not be as beneficial as you think. In a viral video, Dr. Khalaf explains that certain signs on your tongue could indicate that you should reconsider your coffee habit.

Dr. Khalaf points out that a tongue with numerous cracks and a thick yellow coating may be a red flag. He attributes this to a condition known as “yin deficiency” in Chinese medicine, which implies an imbalance within the body. Essentially, this imbalance reflects a depletion of the body’s nourishing fluids, leading to symptoms like restlessness, sensations of heat, and other discomforts. These symptoms can be exacerbated by coffee, which is considered an inherently warming beverage.


This concept of yin deficiency might sound foreign, but it’s rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. It suggests that coffee, despite its energizing effects, could potentially worsen certain internal imbalances over time. Dr. Khalaf’s observations highlight the connection between physical signs, like changes in the tongue’s appearance, and broader health implications.

To provide more clarity, Dr. Lawrence Cunningham, a General Practitioner at The UK Care Guide, expanded on the idea. He explained that a thick yellow coating on the tongue typically indicates an imbalance in the body’s digestive system rather than a direct adverse reaction to coffee itself. This coating could be a result of several factors, such as poor oral hygiene, dehydration, or the presence of bacteria and yeast. While coffee might not be the primary cause, it can certainly aggravate these underlying issues.

Dr. Cunningham suggests that coffee, particularly when consumed in large amounts, can enhance symptoms related to digestive imbalances. These can manifest as the yellow tongue coating Dr. Khalaf mentioned, which signals that something may be off with your digestive health. Therefore, if you’re noticing such signs, it might be worth reassessing your coffee intake and overall diet to ensure you’re not exacerbating any potential health problems.

This advice adds a new dimension to the ongoing debate about the health effects of coffee. While many enjoy its stimulating effects, it’s crucial to remain mindful of how it might be affecting your body, especially if you notice unusual symptoms. For those dedicated to their daily brew, it might be time to explore whether your coffee habit is aligned with your body’s health needs or if adjustments are necessary for your overall well-being.