Scientists Believe They Finally Cracked the Mystery of How the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built

Scientists Believe They Finally Cracked the Mystery of How the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built

Archaeologists have long been puzzled by the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, particularly how the massive stone blocks used in their construction were transported. However, new evidence might finally offer an answer. A team from the University of North Carolina Wilmington has conducted research suggesting that ancient builders utilized a now-lost branch of the Nile River to transport the stones.

The pyramids, including the Great Pyramid, which stands at 146.6 meters, and the step pyramid at Saqqara, dating back 4,700 years, are among the most iconic structures in the world. One of the enduring mysteries has been how these enormous structures were constructed without modern technology. The new research proposes that the ancient Egyptians used a branch of the Nile, named the Ahramat branch, to move the stones by water, reducing the reliance on human labor.

The research team used advanced technology to map the old river branch, which they believe was buried thousands of years ago due to drought and sandstorms. This branch would have bordered 31 pyramids, providing a feasible route for transporting heavy blocks, equipment, and people directly to the construction sites.

The study co-author, Prof. Eman Ghoneim, highlighted that the exact location, shape, and proximity of this ancient waterway were previously uncertain. The team’s findings now offer concrete evidence of its existence and utility. Dr. Suzanne Onstine, another co-author, explained that using the river’s energy to transport heavy blocks would have been much less labor-intensive than relying solely on human effort. The global study incorporated new mapping technology to uncover the hidden waterway, shedding light on an essential aspect of pyramid construction that aligns with historical accounts of using water transport.

This discovery not only enhances our understanding of ancient Egyptian engineering but also underscores the ingenuity of early civilizations in overcoming logistical challenges. The use of natural resources like river systems for large-scale construction projects reveals the advanced planning and execution capabilities of the ancient Egyptians.

This new evidence about the ancient Nile branch offers a significant breakthrough in the longstanding mystery of pyramid construction, providing a more comprehensive understanding of one of history’s greatest architectural achievements.