Teacher Quit After Showing Entire Class X-Rated Footage

Teacher Quit After Showing Entire Class X-Rated Footage

A veteran physics teacher in Russia resigned immediately after accidentally projecting an X-rated video onto a classroom smartboard during a lesson. The 62-year-old, who had been teaching for nearly 40 years in a village near Neftekamsk, reportedly forgot that his laptop was connected to the board while attempting to open an online journal. A student secretly filmed the incident, and the footage quickly went viral.

Initially, school officials suggested that students may have played a prank on the teacher, but he later admitted to education authorities, “I clicked on something, and some website opened.” The school’s headmistress described him as being “in shock” after the incident, and while the school initially wanted him to stay, public outrage from parents left him with little choice but to step down.

Despite the mishap, colleagues and students described the teacher as highly respected, with an otherwise exemplary career. Finding a replacement physics teacher of his caliber is expected to be difficult. The school launched an internal review, and law enforcement in Bashkortostan is reportedly investigating the case, with the teacher’s laptop confiscated as part of the probe.

The situation has sparked debate on social media, with some users sympathizing with the teacher over what appeared to be an accidental mistake, while others argue that his resignation was the only appropriate response. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about technology mishaps in the classroom.