Tragic Video Shows Sea World Trainer Performing With Orca Before He Was Gruesomely Killed By One

Tragic Video Shows Sea World Trainer Performing With Orca Before He Was Gruesomely Killed By One

Heartbreaking footage has resurfaced of orca trainer Alexis Martinez, who was killed by one of the creatures in 2009. The experienced trainer, who worked with the animals for several years at Tenerife’s Loro Parque, was highly skilled in handling these apex predators. In December 2009, Martinez was paired with Keto, a 6,600-pound male orca, for a performance. Keto, the offspring of the famous orca Kalina, had never been in the open ocean.


On December 24, Martinez entered the pool with Keto, who initially appeared to be in a good mood. However, the situation quickly turned tragic. During a stand-on spy hop move, where Martinez balanced on Keto as the orca emerged from the water, he fell when Keto leaned to one side. Keto then positioned himself between Martinez and the stage, pushing the trainer to the bottom of the pool and violently playing with his body underwater.

The incident was witnessed by another trainer, Brian Rokeach, and other staff members nearby. Orca Ocean assistant supervisor Rafael Sanchez described the horrific event, stating, “The animal in question moved towards him and hit him and violently played with his body.” Despite appearing calm before the attack, Keto’s behavior turned deadly, leading to Martinez’s tragic death.

Patricia Delponti, director of communications and public relations at Loro Parque, acknowledged the difficulty of the situation, noting that any incorrect information shared with Martinez’s loved ones could be attributed to the chaos of the emergency response. In the wake of the tragedy, SeaWorld temporarily halted water work with whales at its parks.

Martinez’s death occurred just two months before another fatal incident involving SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was killed by the orca Tilikum in Orlando, Florida. These incidents have sparked ongoing debates about the ethics of keeping orcas in captivity and the dangers faced by trainers working with these powerful animals.

The resurfacing of this footage serves as a somber reminder of the risks involved in the marine entertainment industry and the tragic consequences that can result from interactions between humans and captive wildlife.