Trump And Biden Spent Nearly 2 Minutes Arguing About Golf During The Debate Last Night

Trump And Biden Spent Nearly 2 Minutes Arguing About Golf During The Debate Last Night

During a recent presidential debate, Donald Trump and Joe Biden took a surprising detour from discussing major political issues to engage in a heated exchange about their golf skills. The unexpected topic emerged when the candidates were asked about their physical and mental fitness for potentially serving another term as President. Trump boasted about his recent wins in two club championships, claiming there was no way Biden could match his prowess on the golf course. He taunted, “He can’t hit a ball 50 yards!”

Biden swiftly responded, recalling his days as Vice President when he maintained a six handicap. He suggested he would outperform Trump on the golf course, especially if Trump had to carry his own bag. Trump continued to dismiss Biden’s golfing abilities, confidently stating, “I’ve seen your swing. I know your swing.”

The moderators eventually redirected the debate back to political issues, but Trump kept the rivalry alive on social media. He posted an edited video on Instagram showing himself “hitting” Biden with a golf drive. The playful but pointed exchange entertained many but also distracted from the debate’s more serious topics.

Internet sleuths later verified that Biden once had a handicap of 6.7, while Trump’s best was 2.5, suggesting Trump might have the edge on the golf course. In a lighthearted twist, U.S. Open champion Bryson DeChambeau offered to host a golf match between the two on his YouTube channel to settle the debate once and for all.

The incident underscores the personal animosity and competitive spirit between the two candidates, providing a moment of levity in an otherwise intense political season. This exchange also highlighted how personal accomplishments and bravado can play into the public personas of political figures.