Woman Defecates in Theo James’ Bathtub After First Date

Woman Defecates in Theo James’ Bathtub After First Date

Theo James, the star of The White Lotus and the Divergent series, recently shared a rather unforgettable first-date story during an interview with Entertainment Weekly. Playing the game “Two Truths and a Lie,” James recounted an incident from his university days where a date left him with an unexpected and unpleasant surprise. After spending an evening out, the pair returned to James’ place and had what he described as “fun.” The next morning, his date departed, but not without leaving behind a “small turd” in his bathtub.

James recounted the story with a mix of humor and disbelief, noting that he initially thought the date had gone well. However, discovering the “gift” in his bathtub left him bewildered and a bit miffed. Despite the shock of the incident, James appears to look back on it with a sense of amusement, though he didn’t elaborate on how he dealt with the mess.


Interestingly, this isn’t the only strange encounter with bodily functions that James has shared recently. Earlier in the week, he revealed that while performing with his band on stage, someone from the audience threw a bottle of urine at him. It seems that James has had more than his fair share of bizarre and unpleasant experiences involving human waste.

The bathtub incident, however, stands out as particularly unusual, and it’s safe to say that it didn’t lead to a second date. James didn’t reveal any more details about the mystery woman or the aftermath, but it’s clear that the experience left a lasting impression. As for his encounter with the flying bottle of urine, James handled it with the same humor and resilience, proving that he can take life’s oddities in stride.

Fans of Theo James might be surprised by these anecdotes, but they add an unexpected layer to his public persona. Whether dealing with the fallout from a first date or dodging projectiles on stage, James seems to have a knack for navigating life’s messier moments with a good sense of humor and grace.