Childcare Expert Says Parents Should Ask Their Babies For Permission To Change Their Diaper

Childcare Expert Says Parents Should Ask Their Babies For Permission To Change Their Diaper
Credit: SBS

Navigating the treacherous waters of parenting advice, childcare expert Deanne Carson has thrown a rather unconventional life preserver into the mix. She suggests that parents should seek their baby’s consent before embarking on the diaper-changing odyssey. Yes, you read that right: a nod (or gurgle) of approval before tackling the nappy.

Now, before you dismiss this as the latest episode of “Parents Just Can’t Win,” let’s unpack Carson’s advice, which has the internet doing a collective double-take. Carson, a sexuality educator and author, advocates for instilling a culture of consent from the cradle, proposing that parents should communicate with their infants about nappy changes, waiting for some form of non-verbal agreement.

This advice has left many scratching their heads, wondering how exactly one secures consent from someone whose current vocabulary is limited to coos and cries. Critics argue that while teaching consent is crucial, expecting babies to participate in such decisions might be stretching the concept a bit too thin. After all, letting a child marinate in their mess until they give a thumbs-up seems a tad impractical, not to mention unsanitary.

In her defense, Carson explains that this practice is less about getting a verbal “yes” and more about fostering an environment where the child’s responses, however subtle, are acknowledged. It’s about making eye contact, interpreting body language, and showing the child that their reactions matter, even in situations as mundane as nappy changes.

Despite the divided opinions, Carson’s approach underscores a broader point: the importance of teaching consent and bodily autonomy from an early age. While the execution might raise eyebrows, the underlying principle of respecting even the youngest individuals’ agency offers food for thought.

So, as parents everywhere continue to navigate the complexities of child-rearing, Carson’s advice adds another layer to the ongoing conversation about consent, autonomy, and how best to imbue these values in the next generation. Whether or not you start holding board meetings for diaper changes, one thing’s for sure: parenting is never dull.